We all have goals of some sort, but why do some people always seem to achieve their goals consistently while others fail regularly? Here is a seven step method from Brian Tracy to try and help you win every time. Decide exactly what you want (Know your outcome!) Write it down. This step increases your chances by 80%. Set a deadline for your goal. Have a target date. Make a list of every possible thing that you can do to achieve your goal. Then make a list of what might get in your way. What people can help you get there? Organize your goal by sequence and priority. What … [Read more...]
How To Reach One Million Dollars!
Some of you might be thinking, “There is no way with my current job or plight in life I can accomplish one million dollars!” Yes you can!!!! It is a process, but there is a method and here are some tips! Live below your means! Spend less than you make! Any raises or bonuses that you receive, spend half but save the other half in a bank account or investment you do not touch. Do not purchase a “keeping up with the Jones’” home. Warren Buffet lives in the same $31,500 home he bought in 1958. If you are not getting paid what you are worth, ask for what you are worth or move on to … [Read more...]
The Benefits of using Social Media for your Dental Practice
Be a Social Media Nut!! The days of trying to impress someone by saying “I don’t have a Facebook page” or “I don’t need a website” have quickly become as archaic as plaster impressions. Today more than 85% of the dental practices have a website and just as many are getting involved in some type of social media. It is important not only in new patients finding you, but in keeping your current patients up with what you are doing. It is a free resource you can use. The main goal should be to be the number one name that pops up when someone “Googles” for a dentist in your area. Here is … [Read more...]
Do You Know all of Your Family?
Dental CEO's, how well do you know your family? My three children, my mother, and I recently returned from a trip that took us to 4 countries: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, and my home land Croatia. We encountered incredible scenery and history. However, the greatest part of the trip was visiting and getting to know some relatives we had not seen in over 9 years, some new additions we had never met, and watching my mom converse with people that she had not seen in close to 50 years. Prior to the trip, I had drawn a family tree of who we were going to meet for the kids. I carried around … [Read more...]
Your Midyear Check-Up
We have just completed the first 6 months of the year. Just like a dental checkup every 6 months, you should be checking in on your financial growth. Many of you have financial advisers. Have you gotten a report from them showing all of your investments and how they have performed so far this year? Have you checked in on how your spending is doing so far this year? I recommend you treat your personal finances like your business. I keep track of all my spending at home on Quick Books, the same software I use for the office. It is nice to be able to see what I spent year-to-year on … [Read more...]