As we approach each new season on the calendar, you may not be in the same season in your life. You may be in spring (things are starting to grow and blossom in your life), summer (things are in full bloom and growing like crazy), autumn (things have reached their peak and you are reaping the rewards) or you are in winter where things are dying and you are starting to hibernate. We see winter as a scary time, we wonder if we will ever see the spring again, but as the seasons on the calendar always change so will the seasons of your life. No matter what aspect it is, your finances, your … [Read more...]
Time Is On Your Side
The title to the popular Rolling Stones song "Time Is On My Side" can be applied to saving money. The best ally you have is the length of time that you are investing and your investments are growing. Once you reach the tipping point the growth becomes even faster. For example: A 30 year old makes $75,000 a year and puts away 10% of her income a year. She receives a 3% raise each year but keeps putting away 10% and gets 6% a year in returns. It will take her 31 years to get to 1 million, but only 10 more after that to get to 2 million. Action Step for You: Start investing … [Read more...]
What Price are You Willing to Pay for Your Future Success?
Dental CEO's, how much time and money do you spend on your personal development? I am not talking about going to the gym; I mean books, CDs, podcasts, seminars, etc. “Why Mario, I don’t spend a dime! I can’t afford the time or the money.” This type of thinking will surely lead you to a mundane life. How will we ever get any better at saving and making money, raising kids, at your profession, your mental health or finding your mission in life unless you take the time to invest in yourself? Try subscribing to magazines like Success, Money, Inc., instead of People, Us and Glamour. During my … [Read more...]
How Rich People Think: Wealth Management for Dental CEO’s
Dental CEO's, did you know your wealth is 80% Psychology, 20% Mechanics? Like many of you I always used to think, “just please tell me where I should put my money, what investment should I hold or what stock should I buy.” What I have learned over the years is that the psychology of wealth is way more important than the mechanics. That is why 80% of the thoughts in this section are psychological in nature and about 20% are the mechanics. I know you might think it’s boring, but those who don’t are the ones with all the money. Here is a thought, “Most people think about spending, wealthy … [Read more...]
Make Your Haters Your Raving Fans!
How many times have you gone to a store or restaurant without many high expectations, and then, not to your surprise, they made a mistake that angered you? You were prepared for a battle to correct it and instead you were pleasantly surprised at how the company handled your complaint. It was done without hesitation and it far exceeded your hopes. Suddenly you found yourself talking about this company to your friends in a positive manner. 95% of unsatisfied customers never take time to complain (this gives companies the illusion that they are providing excellent customer … [Read more...]