As we approach each new season on the calendar, you may not be in the same season in your life.
You may be in spring (things are starting to grow and blossom in your life), summer (things are in full bloom and growing like crazy), autumn (things have reached their peak and you are reaping the rewards) or you are in winter where things are dying and you are starting to hibernate. We see winter as a scary time, we wonder if we will ever see the spring again, but as the seasons on the calendar always change so will the seasons of your life.
No matter what aspect it is, your finances, your career, or your relationships, one thing is for certain, the seasons will change. I hope most of you have been enjoying long Caribbean summers but if you see yourself going towards that winter, buckle down, reevaluate where you are, and assess what you have to do to prepare for spring’s arrival.
Action step for you: What season are you in financially, physically, in your business, relationships and emotionally? What do have to do to prepare for the change?
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