The New Year is upon us. Hopefully you are prepared to take on 2015 with vigor.
If not, here are a few steps I used in my business planning that made the process more productive and provided strong direction for our team:
- We reviewed our 2014 numbers to help determine what we need to do differently.
- We celebrated our successes with acknowledgement and small gifts.
- We set aside an entire day with all team members to include them in all our goals, and to practice the marketing ideas and enhancements we want to make to expand our excellence in delivering customer service.
- We created ACTION items with individual responsibilities and time lines to help us all to be accountable.
If you have not yet begun your planning for 2015, it’s not too late. To help you, here are a couple of simple, yet effective, goal planning tools you can download: Annual Goal Review and What’s Important to YOU.
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