A wonderful little book by Steve Siebold called How Rich People Think, has some thought provoking and poignant points on the difference between “middle class” and “world class” thinking when it comes to finances.
Here are some of them.
- Middle Class believes money is complicated – World class believes money is simple.
Many people think that “money” is so complicated and difficult to comprehend that it literally scares them away and, other than some of the simple ideas, they stay away from the stuff that can really make them money. - Middle class believes building wealth is a solitary effort – World class believes building wealth is a team effort. Build your team of trusted and knowledgeable advisers, educate yourself and have your team help you achieve your goals. You don’t have to do it alone.
- Middle Class believes money is about status – World class believes money is about freedom.
There are more “unknown millionaires’ than there are in the public eye. Your neighbor with the Prius may be one of them. Many don’t do it for the acclaim but because of the fact that they want to do and go where they want, when they want. - Middle Class believes money is earned through labor – World class believes money is earned through thought.
Working smarter not harder is the key to wealth.

Photo taken by Dr. Pavicic
Action Step for You: Read the book, “How Rich People Think.”
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