By now all of you have seen the recent ups and downs that the stock market has been throwing us lately.
January started like gang busters and then we hit a “correction.” Many people panic when this starts happening. They call their financial advisors and yell “move everything to cash.” The advisers usually talk the client off the ledge and tell them to stay the course. In fact, if you would have sold during this latest correction and still been wary to go back in as of today, you would have lost a boat load of money. If you would have stayed, you probably would be close to the same amount you had during the great upswing.
The lesson is that staying in for the long run is the way to go.
If you are in or near retirement, your investments should be invested in a way to prevent big losses. If you are young, you have time to live through these “corrections.”
Read or listen as my buddy, Tony, explains.
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