Last month I wrote about getting rid of the stinking news that surrounds us and fills our lives with negativity.
Well, now I will write about another subject that I am ready to purge for a couple of reasons. Throughout my life, I have been a huge sports fan. If you see the things I did when I was a kid, keeping score of baseball games on the radio, stats, trading cards of all sports, posters, watching day and night, you might say I was an addict.
It didn’t taper much into my adult life, until now. Aside from the protests, political rants and controversies, I just can’t take the strain anymore. Maybe it’s age. Maybe I have been in Cleveland too long. I don’t know. Last Sunday, I was tired and just wanted to relax and watch some TV. What I did was watch the Browns, Cowboys (my fav team of all time in any sport) and Indians all lose in various ways. I was so aggravated that I could not sleep. I did not watch a minute of the last two Indians games.
The stress of the games gets to me. The rewards are far fewer then the disappointments. I have wasted a lot of money, but much more time on these teams and sports over the years. This does not mean I will not go to some Cavs games, March madness and Buckeye games, but they will be for the love of the game. I would rather spend time with loved ones, learning something new or working on something that will give me positive feelings. I am officially kneeling for sports.
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