I do not discuss spirituality much in my articles.
It is often a controversial and private subject. However, I believe it is just as important as any other subject I write about it.
Driving in the car, I like to listen to Joel Osteen. He has a great way of mixing God’s words with every day ‘human’ issues. I was driving one day recently and one of his messages was especially poignant, “It’s Not Too Late To Get Started.” He spoke about people who had accomplished so much later in life and how many others have the attitude that, “I’m too old to change my career. It’s too late for me to start a new business or make an impact. I will never be able to do it at my age. I am too old to fall in love again.” etc. etc.
I am sure many of us have uttered some of these phrases in our lives (unless your 20 years old and reading this). I am here to say, it’s never too late to get started. Learn a new skill, go back to school, write a book, fall in love again, etc. Your chronological age has nothing to do with your spirit and your soul. Get to it!
Action Step for You: Go do something you thought it was too late to get started and…get started.
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