I usually write something about how to increase your net worth or how to accumulate wealth. Today, I will talk about giving it away. It’s time to “share the wealth”!
Every year during the holiday season, we are asked to give to the Salvation Army or food banks etc. so that those less fortunate may enjoy some holiday cheer.
Isn’t it ironic that all year long we work hard to accumulate wealth and then around the holidays we give a portion of it away in gifts and donations?
Which makes you feel better? Making it or giving it away?
If you are like many, you will get greater joy seeing people’s faces light up at your kindness then you will ever get watching your stocks rise (unless you are Scrooge.)
If you just closed out a prosperous year make sure you share it with those you love and those who are less fortunate. It is wealth that can never depreciate or “crash”.
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